Hey everyboday!
It was just pointed out to me I hadn't made a post in just over a year... so I thought I'd give it a go.
I've been working on the new SOL game on and off for over a year now, and its still not quite done. I've been having a lot of problems with flash, it seems to like crashing randomly and it doesn't want to export the .swf file. so... work on it has gone pretty slow. It doesn't help that I keep getting new ideas for stuff I want to put in. I could probably spend another 3 years working on this thing and not get everything I want in there.
The game is already well over the 10 mb limit, and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. It's got amazing music that I really don't want to compress, and a bunch of artwork and stuff that seems to take up a lot of space. And I'm not finished with it yet >:(. I've been thinking about splitting the game into two halves, although I'd like for there to be side-quests that would involve you visiting previously explored areas. I'm really conflicted about this, I'd love to hear people's opinions.
Oh, and I've got to thank everyone who's messaged me about the game, I love all the enthusiasm!
I figure I'll just keep working on it, and put it out when it's ready. I've got a plan that I'm going to start adhering to now, rather than just add whatever I think is cool, so expect the last half of the game to have a little more... direction than the first.
I've included a loverly mountain scene from the game, for your enjoyment.
Sorry it's taking so long guys!
Email tom, he sometimes lets people upload stuff over 10 mb.